Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Nurturing Learning Habit in Children (1)

Generally, many parents feel the need to nag their children to do better. However, many did not realize that nagging will create negative effects on them instead. Children may feel de-motivated due to the constant nagging and this may affect their performance in school and social upbringing.

How to encourage children to do better without nagging?

  • Never compare. Each child is unique in his own.
Never compare your child to their siblings, cousins, friends or anyone. Everyone has his own unique ability and early childhood is the time to see through this ability and nurture it.

  • Don’t push your child.
Give encouragement instead of pushing your child to do better. With all the guide and support given, your child will eventually motivate himself to work harder and better.

  • Allow your child to be himself.
Encourage your child to freely express his interests. Then, see what you can do to nurture his interests and guide him to build a strong foundation in the areas.

  • Give recognition, not scolding.
Acknowledge your child’s effort by giving him recognition and encouragement. When your child did not do well, increase his level of confidence by being a guide, not by scolding.

More reading:

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