Thursday, January 9, 2014

What is Your Parenting Style? (2): Permissive Parenting

What are the characteristics of Permissive Parenting?

“’OK, you’ve been such a good boy, you deserve a cookie,’ – when your child seems to have his heart set and after all, it’s only one cookie.”

Permissive parenting emphasizes on indulging in children’s every wish. When parents give in to their children’s wishes, children learn how to get their way by manipulating others in order to get what they want. Overtime, they will turn into someone who is inconsiderate of others.

Studies have shown that children growing up in this kind of environment are more likely to develop psychological problems such as anxiety, depression, delinquency, impatient, insecurity and antisocial behaviour as they were not taught on self-control, discipline and self-respect. There is also a strong correlation between permissive parenting and poor grades.

Despite the above negative lights, permissive parents do show great affection for their children. The matters to ponder on are the limit of the affection and the long-term consequences of parenting choices.

Does the choice you made at that moment make your child happy in the long-term? In five years? In ten years? In twenty years? Does it nurture him into a great person?

Nothing is perfect in this world, especially when it comes to parenting. There is no fix path in the process. Learn to take a little and loose a little as it is an invaluable experience that not only is beneficial to your children but also to your self-development.

Prepare beforehand, learn as you go, evaluate every day.

Which style are you?

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