Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Kids.Play n Learn: Green from Childhood

In our previous article, we brought everyone into the world of what constitutes an effective environmental education. Continuing from where we left off, here is an activity you can do with kids.

Teaching kids about planting

Step 1
Look inside a seed.
Step 2
Identify the parts of the plant. Explain where seeds come from and how they grow.
Step 3
Have kids create a chart of parts of the plant and label the seed coat, root, leaves and so on.
Step 4
Encourage kids to explore and become seed detectives.
Step 5
Show them how to identify, collect and save their own seeds.
Step 6
Discuss the growing requirements – oxygen, soil, light, water.
Step 7
Discuss on the contribution of plants to humankind and the environment.

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