Thursday, August 22, 2013

Nutrition: Picky Eaters? What Can Parents Do?

“Most children who are perceived as picky eaters probably have adequate diets. What parents often perceive as picky eating simply reflects their children’s normal response to new foods.”
– Dr. Leann Birch, Professor and Head of the Human Development and Family Studies Department, Penn State University, US.

It is normal if children aged 2 to 5 refuse to eat new foods because this is a natural process whereby children develop an innate fear of trying something new. At this stage, your child may already have 4-5 favourite foods.

However, it is of utmost importance to ensure that your child’s diet is nutritious and healthy too.

According to Birch, “children should be allowed to decide what and how much they eat, but it’s the parents’ responsibility to make healthy foods available to their children to choose from and eat.”

Here are some effective ways to put nutritious and healthy meals on your child’s plate:

  1. Earlier is better
Expose your child to fruits, vegetables and other essential nutrition as early as possible.

  1. Remain patient and keep trying
According to research, multiple exposures (between 5 and 10) to new foods will help children to accept and like the new foods. Offer the new foods to your child in a positive and supportive way.

  1. Be a role model
According to a study, children aged 2 to 3 show significant preferences to the foods that their mothers like, dislike and never tasted.

  1. Don’t restrict certain foods
Let your child be exposed to all types of foods, including candy and desserts, in an appropriate amount. Research shows that restricting the food availability of certain foods will actually increase their craving for that food.

  1. Make it fun
Turn the healthy foods into something creative, colourful and playful. You can go for playing a guessing game, baking carrot muffins together, learning about the texture and functions of the foods, and exploring different ways of cooking.

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