Friday, September 6, 2013

Art Therapy, for an Enriched Life (2)

Why is art therapy suitable for people who are not suffering from mental illnesses too?

  1. It focuses on your “inner experience”.
  2. It promotes self-understanding.
  3. It encourages emotional change.
  4. It inspires personal growth.
Through the process, you will be able to discover insights about yourself that had gone unnoticed previously.

As Cathy Malchiodi, author of The Art Therapy Sourcebook, puts it:

Art therapy asks you to explore your inner experience—your feelings, perceptions and imagination. While art therapy may involve learning skills or art techniques, the emphasis is generally first on developing and expressing images that come from inside the person, rather than those he or she sees in the outside world.

Thus, what you express in your artworks pretty much says something about you.

With these newly found insights, you can discover an enriched lives and sense of well-being. This part of living (personal growth) is especially important when you are communicating with children because children learn by imitating adults.

Let us enrich ourselves for the children

Recently, Institut CECE organized an Art Therapy Foundation 3-Day Workshop, and here’s what one of the participants has got to say:

"Art Therapy is an amazing course! After attending this course, not only expanded my vision but also opened my heart and soul. This course can help us to understand more about ourselves and solve our personal problems too. I hope I can become an Art Therapist in the future, to help those who are facing problems in their life."

Due to positive response, this workshop is back this month. For more information, kindly visit Art Therapy Foundation 3-Day Workshop (13-15 September 2013).

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