Sunday, February 23, 2014

Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting by Dr. Laura Markham

 Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting

Dr. Laura Markham

Does parents’ emotion affect kid’s emotional development?

How does stopping yelling and starting connecting help in nurturing happy kids?

There is an old saying that goes – “Raising children is the toughest work there is”.

In Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting, Dr. Laura Markham reveals an important message to all parents – “fostering emotional connection with your child creates real and lasting change. When you have that vital connection, you don’t need to threaten, nag, plead, bribe or even punish”.

With the practical step-by-step examples and phrasing that come in handy when raising children age 0 through age 9, Dr. Laura Markham reveals on “how to replenish our spirits so we can give our kids the best of ourselves, not what’s left of ourselves”.

This book approaches parenting from THREE big ideas, which are (1) Regulating Yourself, (2) Fostering Connection, and (3) Coaching, Not Controlling.





Secrets of Peaceful Parents

·         PART ONE: Regulating Yourself


Peaceful Parents Raise Happy Kids

·         Your No. 1 Responsibility as a Parent
·         Breaking the Cycle: Healing Your Own Wounds
·         How to Manage Your Anger
·         How to Stop Yelling at Your Child
·         When Your Child Melts Down: How to Keep Your Cool
·         You Can Nurture Yourself While Raising Your Child
·         Ten Rules to Raise Terrific Kids
·         PART TWO: Fostering Connection


The Essential Ingredient for Peaceful Parents, Happy Kids

·         Why Connection Is the Secret to Happy Parenting
·         Connection as Your Child Grows
-       Babies (0-13 months): Wiring The Brain
-       Toddlers (13-36 months): Building Secure Attachment
-       Preschoolers (3-5 years): Developing Independence
-       Elementary Schoolers (6-9 years): Foundation for the Teen Years
·         Connection Basics
-       How to Connect More Deeply With Your Child
-       How Do You Know When Your Relationship With Your Child Needs Work?
-       Connecting With A Difficult Child
·         Action Guides
·         PART THREE: Coaching, Not Controlling


Raising a Child Who Can Manage Himself: Emotion Coaching

·         Why Emotion-Coach?
·         Emotional Intelligence as Your Child Grows
-       Babies (0-13 months): A Bedrock of Trust
-       Toddlers (13-36 months): Unconditional Love
-       Preschoolers (3-5 years): Empathy
-       Elementary Schoolers (6-9 years): Emotional Self-Awareness
·         Emotion Coaching Basics
-       How Children Develop Emotional Intelligence
-       Empathy, The Foundation of EQ
-       Your Child’s Emotional Backpack
-       Understanding Anger
-       Meeting Your Child’s Deepest Needs
-       EQ Coaching With A Difficult Child
·         Action Guides
-       7 Steps to Nurture Emotional Intelligence in Your Child
-       Emotion-Coaching Your Child Through A Meltdown
-       When Your Child Acts Out But Can’t Cry: Building Safety
-       Playing With Your Child: Games for Emotional Intelligence
-       Additional Resources: Scripts For Sibling Conflicts


Raising a Child Who Wants to Behave

·         The Dirty Little Secret About Discipline and Punishment
·         Guidance as Your Child Grows
-       Babies (0-13 months): Empathic Redirection
-       Toddlers (13-36 months): Sidestepping Power Struggles
-       Preschoolers (3-5 years): Learning Self-Management
-       Elementary Schoolers (6-9 years): Developing Positive Habits
·         Setting Limits with Empathy: The Basics
-       The Sweet Spot Between Strict and Permissive
-       Should You Spank Your Child?
-       Is Yelling The New Spanking?
-       Transform Your Time-Outs to Time-Ins
-       The Truth About Consequences
-       Does Positive Parenting Work With A Difficult Child?
·         Action Guides
-       How to Set Empathic Limits
-       How to Help Kids Who Test The Limits
-       Wean Yourself Off Consequences: 12 Terrific Alternatives
-       How to Intervene In The Heat of the Moment
-       Empowering Kids to Make Amends With The Three Rs: Reflection, Repair, and Responsibility
-       Preventive Maintenance
-       What If Your Child Crosses The Line?
-       Additional Resources: Scripts


Raising a Child Who Achieves with Joy and Self-Esteem

·         What is Mastery Coaching?
·         Building Mastery as Your Child Grows
-       Babies (0-13 months): The Budding Scientist
-       Toddlers (13-36 months): Do It Myself: Developing Response-Ability
-       Preschoolers (3-5 years): Self-MASTERY Through Problem Solving
-       Elementary Schoolers (6-9 years): EXPLORING Passions
·         Mastery Basics
-       Encouraging Mastery
-       How Kids Develop Resilience
-       Giving Constructive Feedback
-       How to Avoid Helicopter Parenting
-       What If You Have a Child Who Doesn’t Develop Mastery Naturally?
·         Action Guides
-       Create a No-Blame Household
-       Developing Responsibility
-       Developing Good Judgment
-       Homework Without Tears
-       Trust Your Child – and Mother Nature


·         When to Seek Professional Help
·         The Future is in Your Hands

Everyone can be a more peaceful parent.

Providing a loving, compassionate, scream-free, judgment-free household has not just been a gift to my children, but a gift I have given to myself. I have grown by leaps and bounds not just as a parent, but as a person as well. I am so grateful for Dr. Laura Markham, who has been a shining light in my life.
-       Jennifer, mother of four kids, ages 15, 12, 9, and 6.

One generation full of deeply loving parents would change the brain of the next generation, and with that, the world.
-       Charles Raison

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