Monday, July 8, 2013

World Education: Thematic Approach to Teaching & Learning

Integrating the curriculum with a theme - this is what thematic approach is all about.

Instead of delivering the curriculum from A to Z and directly from the book, thematic approach allows teachers to teach creatively and encourages fun learning and activities in class.

Why thematic approach to teaching and learning?

  • Learning will become more natural, less fragmented and more easily integrated into life.
  • Children will enjoy the fun of learning, involve more actively, develop learning skills at a faster pace, have more confident, be self-motivated and show less discipline problems.
  • When children enjoy what they are learning, it will be easier for them to absorb the new knowledge and skills.

Developing a theme

Developing thematic activities

For example, to deliver the concept of “home sweet home”, teachers can arrange activities such as:

  • Drawing an art piece using different medium (colour pencil, crayon etc) and colours
  • Making a little book with drawing and words
  • Making a house out of cardboard and other materials
  • Collecting pictures of house and pasting them on a cardboard
  • Role-playing

These activities will create the opportunities for children to discover their best learning approach and allow creativity to flow naturally in them.

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