Monday, October 28, 2013

PRACTICAL Way to Effective ECE Teaching

Hands-on learning enables students (prospect teachers) to reap the most benefits from their courses so as to better prepare themselves for teaching in early childhood education.

Here are some of the benefits of hands-on learning:

  1. Greater retention of programme material
According to study, students are able to remember three and a half times more than just listening intently in lecture room.

  1. Access to materials used on a job in real-time
Touching and working with the materials enable the students to get a feel of the materials and process. Furthermore, when it comes to early childhood education, students need to know how to demonstrate the skills to children.

  1. Simulated learning in a friendly environment
Students will feel motivated to learn as much as possible, especially when given a challenging task.

  1. Development of critical thinking skills
Instead of just relying on memory and attention, students will develop critical thinking skills when handling the materials and achieving the goals in hands-on learning activities.

At Institut CECE, we organize class activities so as to ensure they are familiar with the overall process.

Diploma students of Institut CECE enjoying themselves in paper-making activity during one of their Science classes.

Menu and cuisines prepared by students of Institut CECE during a class activity.

Further reading:

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