Monday, November 4, 2013

Are You a Great Teacher? (1)

Who are your favourite teachers? What make you like them or enjoy their class?

When it comes to being a great teacher, the traits that surface have little relationship with academic credentials, intellect or measurable knowledge. What are the traits then?

  1. a Humble person
Great teachers are always on the go on learning and have a great heart in helping their students to learn.

They speak with confident but never arrogant or impress others with their knowledge.

They understand that they do not know everything in the world but eager to learn what they do not know.

Besides facilitating students’ learning, great teachers are learners too and willing to answer students’ questions of the unknown.

  1. a Patient person
Great teachers are always patient in teaching.

It does not matter how many mistakes or how many times they need to explain, they still remain calm and willing to help their students learn.

  1. a person who shows Kindness and Respect
Great teachers recognize that treating their students with respect will in return earn respect from their students.

This relationship will ease the teaching and learning process.

They understand that everyone is born with value and worth.

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