Saturday, November 9, 2013

Are You a Great Teacher? (2)

In our previous post, we’ve shared on few of the traits of a great teacher.

When it comes to being a great teacher, the traits that surface have little relationship with academic credentials, intellect or measurable knowledge. What are the traits then?

  1. a Enthusiastic person
Great teachers speak with excitement and enthusiasm in teaching their subject matter.

They enjoy talking and sharing their knowledge with their students in the hope that their students will enjoy learning too.

  1. a person who Shows, not Tells
Great teachers demonstrate a topic by bringing in examples into the class.

They use creative aids to help them express their knowledge and ease students’ understanding.

  1. a person who Learns from their students
Great teachers accept students’ questions as a way for them to gain knowledge and wisdom.

They encourage lifelong learning, not learning for the sake of passing the examinations or presentations.

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