Thursday, November 14, 2013

Are You a Great Teacher? (3)

In this final part of “Are You a Great Teacher?” series, let us journey upon a better world for all. The traits are not just all about being a great teacher, but it also about being a great person.

When it comes to being a great teacher, the traits that surface have little relationship with academic credentials, intellect or measurable knowledge. What are the traits then?

  1. a Positive person
Great teachers not only believe in themselves but also believe in others.

They create a positive learning environment by a simple gesture – smile.

They encourage their students to ask and learn from mistakes.

  1. a person who Engage their students
Great teachers understand that learning is an active process.

They encourage their students by focusing on stimulating creativity in learning, communicating and listening.

They see learning as a two-way process instead of one-way street - lecture.

  1. a person with High Expectations
Great teachers set high expectations on themselves and on their students.

They recognize that not everyone excels in every single field but they help their students to see their capabilities and strengths.

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